
Possessions in Everett

Will I lose my possessions if I file for bankruptcy?

There are a number of people living in Washington who remain reluctant to file for bankruptcy because they're afraid of losing their possessions, retirement, or even their hard-earned home equity. Sometimes debt actively fans the flames of this fear by employing ruthless practices designed to scare or humiliate the debtor into making payments they cannot afford.

The real truth is that bankruptcy laws were created by the federal government to help people recover from unpredictable and insurmountable financial setbacks. The law permits you to retain property that you need to maintain your dignity and financial independence after filing for bankruptcy in Everett.

Contact one of our qualified Everett bankruptcy lawyers today, and find out how you can get out from under crippling debt. Filing for bankruptcy will put an end to harassing phone calls from creditors, and allow you to keep the possessions you've earned. Our bankruptcy attorneys in Snohomish County will fully inform you of your legal rights in regards to bankruptcy, and then work hard to protect them.

Protect your property with help from our Washington bankruptcy lawyers
  • You can choose federal or state exemptions for property when you file for bankruptcy in Everett
  • Retirement accounts are 100% exempt when you file for bankruptcy, so don't get cajoled into using this money to pay back any unsecured debt like credit cards
  • As long as you keep making payments you can maintain ownership of your vehicle, but this "reaffirmation agreement" should be cautiously considered
  • If you want to protect property, like a home or car, Chapter 13 bankruptcy may be your best option

Creditors often attempt to make you feel like a failure when you fall behind on payments. Debt collectors are especially afraid that you will be educated about your legal rights, which is why they hate our professional team of Everett bankruptcy attorneys.

Many hard working people living in Everett think that filing for bankruptcy will result in losing everything, and this myth is often perpetuated by unscrupulous creditors. Familiarize yourself with federal and state bankruptcy laws with help from our team of Washington State lawyers, and prevent making financial mistakes that could end up costing you a fortune.

Bankruptcy permits you to protect your assets and retirement accounts

Debt collectors often use high pressure tactics that result in honest people making poor financial decisions. They often try to pressure individuals into cashing in their retirement in order to pay down unsecured debt, often from credit cards or medical bills. Sadly, those who make this mistake are usually unaware that these accounts would be 100% protected if they filed for bankruptcy.

Bankruptcy laws were developed to help people fully recover from financial hardship. Most people never had any intention of falling behind on bills, and often make the mistake of trying to make payments on insurmountable debt when filing for bankruptcy offers a better solution. Fear of losing their property, retirement, or home equity often motivates this action, but these items are protected from seizure after filing for bankruptcy.

Contact one of our Everett bankruptcy attorneys today and find out more information about how filing for bankruptcy protects your assets and property. It may be possible to seek exemptions for the following:

  • Homestead (home equity)
  • Automobiles
  • Household Items
  • Jewelry
  • Personal Injury Awards
  • Back Government Benefits
  • Back Child Support
Contact a Washington bankruptcy lawyer today and get the facts

If you're interested in bankruptcy but reluctant to file because you're afraid of losing your possessions, contact one of our bankruptcy lawyers in Snohomish County for a free consultation. Many of the people that contact us have little knowledge concerning their legal rights in regards to bankruptcy. The truth is usually eye-opening, and often a relief.

If you qualify for bankruptcy, our team of Washington State litigators will protect you from debt collectors, stop the harassing phone calls, and show you a path that leads to a fresh financial beginning.

Client Reviews
Erin Lane is the best attorney I have met by far! I came to her during a very difficult time in my life. I was needing to file a bankruptcy. She was very kind, non-intimidating, and well-understood. She actually came across like a good friend. To this day I still remember and appreciate her (no-stressing approach) I deem Erin qualified for any position having to do with her knowledge in these types of legal matters! Keith D Wilson
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